Adventurer Al – His Magic is Strange – Chapter 21

The Adventure of (Self-Proclaimed) Rookie Adventurer Al: The Following Day

The following day, it had been raining heavily since morning. Al felt a bit anxious since he needed to earn some money for his armor, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.

“Well, don’t let it get you down. There are other ways to make a few coins,” Orson reassured him in a relaxed tone.

Al and Orson sat side by side under the eaves, facing the backyard, taking care of their weapons and tools. Nearby, Lorraine and Iris, the mother and daughter from the inn, were busy with the laundry. Al was completely absorbed in sharpening his knife, while Orson casually wiped his sword with a cloth.

“Yeah… You’re right.”

“You know, having a day off every now and then isn’t so bad. You can even enjoy a drink in broad daylight. How about pouring yourself a glass? If you’re short on cash, I can lend you a little,” suggested Orson.

Orson made a gesture as if he were holding a cup with one hand, but Al was too focused on sharpening his knife to notice. Amused by Al’s dedication, Orson chuckled softly.

“By the way, that Physical Boost spell you used yesterday was impressive. I thought it could only be cast on oneself,” remarked Orson, shifting the conversation to magic. Al quickly nodded and became more talkative.

“Yeah, but casting it on others is quite challenging. If you want to enhance simple tasks like lifting or running, it’s manageable. However, when it comes to combat, it becomes more complicated,” explained Al.

“Is that so? With that spell, you could…” Orson said, tapping his left ankle, which wouldn’t move properly. It seemed that his ankle had been broken due to an attack from a monster. Although the wound had healed, the bone remained misaligned, rendering his ankle completely immobile.

“Sorry, but that’s not possible,” Al replied, shaking his head.

“I figured… Sorry, I already knew that. But I couldn’t help asking.”

“Can’t a healing spell fix it?”

“It would require a high-level regeneration spell. It’s a powerful spell that can regenerate a severed arm in one go. Only the saints at the church in the capital can use it,” explained Orson.

“I see…”

Al pressed his thumb against the blade of his knife to check its sharpness. It was in good condition. He gave it a final wipe with an oily cloth and sheathed it.

“You mentioned another spell you’re practicing. What kind of spell is it?” Orson inquired curiously.

“Ah, it’s the Courier spell. The shopkeeper said it’s quite popular, but I’ve only seen it used twice,” Al replied.

“What does the spell do?”

Reciting the incantation for Courier, Al demonstrated the spell, and a black, semi-transparent disc materialized in front of him.

“What’s this disc?” Orson attempted to touch it, but the disc reacted and slightly moved away from his hand.

“You can place items on top of it. When someone other than me tries to reach for it, it moves away,” Al explained, demonstrating by placing the sheathed knife on the disc. As Orson attempted to touch it, the disc swiftly moved out of his reach.


Orson muttered, then swiftly moved his hand. The disc reacted, but by that time, the knife was already in Orson’s hand.

“Not as fast as I thought. It seems easy to grab from the side,” remarked Orson.

Al nodded in agreement. “Yeah, that’s right. And when passing through a crowd, the disc sometimes gets caught and stops. If that happens, you have to quickly retrieve it, or else it will move too far away and disappear. It can be somewhat inconvenient to use in a crowded city, though it’s not entirely useless in an open field.”

“I see. How much weight can it carry?” Orson inquired.

“Based on what I’ve heard, it should be able to handle around 50 kg, but I haven’t tested it myself,” Al replied.

“About 50 kg, huh? That’s a little over, but can I ride on it?”

Orson was likely surpassing the weight limit by a significant amount. If his equipment was taken into account, it would probably be twice as heavy. However, Al found the idea of him riding on it intriguing and decided to give it a try.

“Alright, just give me a moment.” Al made the transportation disc vanish and recited the spell once again. The disc transformed into a chair-like shape, brown in color, resembling a chair without legs. It had a comfortable backrest and armrests.

“Wow, so you can change its color and shape?” Orson exclaimed.

“Yeah, I gave it a try and it worked. It can take on various forms, although overly complex ones don’t work as well. Why don’t you give it a gentle try?” Al suggested.

Curious, Orson placed his hands on the armrests of the floating chair, and Al pulled it closer to him. He cautiously sat down on the chair, but as soon as he did, the chair gradually descended and settled on the ground, unable to remain afloat.

“Hehe, seems like it’s too heavy,” Al chuckled as he observed the chair making contact with the ground. Lorraine and Iris, who had been observing from the sidelines, giggled as well.

“Well, it looks like it can’t carry people,” Orson remarked.

Upon hearing Orson’s statement, Al turned to Lorraine and Iris and asked if they would like to take turns and sit on the chair.

“Hmm? Um, well… I’m not quite sure…” Lorraine hesitated, but Iris eagerly raised her hand.

“Alright then, go ahead.” Al approached Iris with a joyful expression and extended his hand towards the chair, offering his other hand to her. Iris took his hand and cautiously seated herself on the chair. The chair trembled slightly, but unlike with Orson, it didn’t descend to the ground. Instead, it floated gently in the air.

“Oh, it can actually carry people! Amazing!” Al exclaimed, gripping Iris’s hand with both of his. Iris blushed slightly and nodded in agreement. Orson and Lorraine were also taken aback by the sight.

“Alright, Iris, hold on tight,” Al said. He then started lightly jumping in place and spinning around the narrow courtyard, with Iris seated on the floating chair, following his movements.

“Whee! It moves on its own! This is so much fun!” Iris exclaimed, tightly gripping the armrests. Al and Iris enjoyed themselves for a while, engaging in various movements.

“It handles quite well, and the shaking isn’t too bad. Looks like there are plenty of ways to utilize it, don’t you think?” Orson asked Al, his tone tinged with a hint of envy.

“Yeah, you’re absolutely right. I had my doubts, but it’s unexpectedly versatile,” Al replied, contemplating various possibilities.

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Adventurer Al – His Magic is Strange – Chapter 20

The Adventure of (Self-Proclaimed) Rookie Adventurer Al: Giant Lizard Leather Armor

“Great. It’s in good condition, hardly any scratches at this size.”

Out of nowhere, a man in his late thirties approached. He had a slightly chubby build, standing about the same height as Al. His eyes gleamed with excitement as he laid eyes on the carcass of the giant lizard displayed on the dissection table.

“Is that Dennis?” Al asked in a hushed voice, feeling overwhelmed by the man’s enthusiasm. Orson and Cody both nodded in response.

“So, who’s the one looking to make armor out of the giant lizard’s leather? It’d be fantastic if it were a stunningly attractive woman. I suppose that’s not you, Orson? Well, that could still work. A muscular man in a black leather suit, but if that’s the case, please make sure to shed some of that belly fat. Otherwise, it won’t suit you…”

Dennis muttered to himself, clearly excited. He appeared oblivious to Al’s and Lippy’s presence.

“No, it’s for him,” Orson said, nudging Al forward, who was partially hidden in the shadows. Finally, Dennis noticed Al and locked eyes with him.

“This kid? He’s just a child, though?” Dennis asked, taken aback by Al’s appearance, despite his extensive experience as an adventurer.

Al, standing at a height of 155 cm, had grown about 4 cm in the past three months. However, his features still bore the traces of someone caught between childhood and adulthood. Beside him, Orson let out a wry smile.

“I’m Al. I’m currently living the life of an adventurer.”

Dennis looked thoughtful. “Hmm, I see. My apologies. So, Orson, why did you recommend this kid for the leather armor?”

“He’s a mage who I’ve been partnering with recently, but he also operates independently. He’s young, but I believe he has great potential for the future. That’s why.” Orson explained.

Surprised to learn that Al was a mage, Dennis scrutinized him carefully. “Does that mean he’s the son of some noble or something?”

Al vigorously shook his head in response. “I’m not really from a noble family. I’m the third son of a poor knight’s family”

Upon hearing this, Dennis crossed his arms and contemplated the situation.

Dennis crossed his arms and pondered the situation, expressing his thoughts.

“You know, it feels a bit wasteful for a rookie like you to be wearing such remarkable leather. However, if Orson believes in your potential, I’m willing to give it a try. Perhaps a more modest design would be more suitable. But remember, you’re still growing and developing. What are your thoughts on that?”

“I’ll leave that decision to you. Does that sound okay? I’ll provide the entire carcass, excluding Cody’s dismantling cost. With the remaining funds, do you think it will be sufficient to create the leather armor? It would be great if there’s enough left to cover Lippy’s payment too…”

Dennis meticulously measured different sections of the giant lizard, carefully considering how to make the most of each part. Every now and then, he would whisper to Cody and exchange hand gestures resembling symbols, presumably discussing cost estimates.

Al had numerous questions swirling in his mind, but he chose to remain silent, attentively observing their conversation. After a while, Cody and Dennis redirected their attention towards Orson and the rest of the group.

“The amount I’m willing to buy the whole lizard for is 8 gold coins. This takes into account its exceptionally good condition and large size. Is that acceptable to you? If so, I’ll let Dennis take care of the rest.” Cody stated, and Orson gave a nod of agreement.

The price was a pleasant surprise as they had initially anticipated around 3 gold coins. Al had no objections either.

With no further inquiries, Dennis went on to say. “I have two suggestions. The first one is to use the leather from this specimen to craft an armor, as both of you mentioned. In that scenario, by utilizing the finest portions of the leather, you can expect a defense effect comparable to what Orson is currently wearing. However, I believe the 8 gold coins from the purchase won’t suffice to cover all the expenses. You should be prepared to allocate an additional 4 gold coins, but I will need to provide a more precise estimate. Also, I will require a month to complete the work.”

Al stole a quick glance at Orson’s expression, who nodded in understanding. However, the sum mentioned seemed utterly unattainable to him. The prospect of obtaining a new spellbook felt increasingly out of reach. It was an inconceivable feeling for him.

“The second option is to go ahead with the purchase of this specimen, and in return, I will provide a custom-made leather armor using a different giant lizard leather I have. Naturally, the quality and performance of this armor would surpass that of a regular giant lizard leather armor. However, it wouldn’t be on par with the first option we discussed. For this alternative, the cost would be 7 gold coins, leaving 1 gold coin remaining from the purchase price.”

“Of course, the latter option.”

“Definitely the former one.”

Al and Orson’s words overlapped. They looked at each other. Seeing this, Cody and Dennis burst into laughter.

“No way, Orson! Even if we divide the profits from this deal, considering Lippy’s payment, I’d only end up with 3 gold coins. Even if I combine it with my savings, I can barely manage 7 gold coins.” Al protested.

“You know… Having a leather armor with a defense effect comparable to the one I’m wearing is extraordinary. It’s like having a lifelong investment. And getting it for just 12 gold coins is an incredibly affordable price. You should be thankful to Dennis.” Orson explained.


Before Al could say anything else, Orson gently tapped his forehead.

“The lizard hunting isn’t limited to today only. It will continue for another week or so. We may not come across one as good as today’s, but we should be able to earn enough for the armor. I can cover the expenses until then, and we have other means to make money afterwards, so don’t worry.”

Al couldn’t shake off his unease about relying on tomorrow’s earnings, but he couldn’t deny that Orson’s words held some truth.

Caught up in the moment, Al found himself nodding in agreement.

“Okay, let’s proceed and use all the money we have. I’ll take care of Lippy’s payment.”

“Well then, shall we proceed with the detailed measurements?”

From that moment on, the conversation flowed smoothly, but Al’s doubts grew, and he felt increasingly anxious about whether this was the right decision.

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Adventurer Al – His Magic is Strange – Chapter 19

The Adventure of (Self-Proclaimed) Rookie Adventurer Al: Loot

Al and the rest reached the garrison guarding the southern outskirts of Lester well into the afternoon.

“Ugh… This cart is on its last legs. Come on, Rosante, just a little farther. Stay strong.” Lippy muttered, gently caressing the mule’s side.

Al and Orson trudged along, their bodies caked in mud. They had successfully defeated the giant lizard and loaded it onto the cart. However, as they made their way back, the wheels got stuck in the marshy terrain several times, forcing them to push the cart from behind.

“Well, it’s quite a catch. At least we’ll get a good payout for it, so cut us some slack.” Orson said, trying to appease Lippy.

As they left the vicinity of the garrison, the road improved, and the cart’s journey became noticeably smoother.

“Huh? Isn’t the processing facility over there?” Al noticed that they were deviating from their usual route, but Orson nonchalantly shook his head.

“Not today. Since we’re dealing with high-quality materials, it’s better to go to the dismantler’s specialized location.”

“Ah, so we’re heading there directly?”

Up until now, apart from the barbarians, whenever they defeated magical beasts or other creatures, they would either personally dismantle them or take them to a dedicated facility for processing and selling, even if there was an opportunity to sell the meat. Although Al knew that there were dismantling services available, he always perceived dismantling as a task to be done individually, so he didn’t have much experience with it.

“Yes, when it comes to high-quality materials, it’s best to visit a specialized dismantling place instead of a processing facility. The processing they do there can be quite rough, and it’d be a shame to waste the potential. It’s better to have them carefully separate the leather, meat, and other materials. By the way, while we’re at it, what do you think about getting yourself a new set of leather armor?” Orson suggested.

Al’s gaze involuntarily fell upon his own leather armor. It was a piece he had purchased back when he first started as an adventurer in the capital. While it wasn’t the most expensive or extravagant, over time, it had become intimately acquainted with his body, despite bearing minor traces of wear and tear. Until this moment, he had never felt dissatisfied with it.

“Should I consider getting a new one?” Al inquired, pondering the thought.

“If you intend to keep teaming up with me or others, your current armor should suffice,” Orson explained. “However, if you opt for the solo path, it’s wise to be prepared for unexpected situations. I’d recommend a steel armor like mine, but considering your physical stamina, it might hinder your movements. In that case, a leather armor crafted from the hide of the giant lizard would suit you perfectly.”

“Hmm…” Al pondered while brushing off the dust from his leather armor.

“I know you well enough to guess that you’re probably torn between getting a new spell, am I right?” Orson remarked, giving Al’s shoulder a reassuring pat. “But remember, even if it’s a bit delayed, your life is more important.” Al reluctantly nodded in agreement.

“Hey, Al, if you’re getting new armor, you won’t be needing the old one anymore, right? How about giving it to me instead of today’s tip?” Lippy said with a playful tone.

“Hmm, I get that I should take it into consideration, but I’d like to have more information about the quality of the leather armor made from the giant lizard before making a decision. And that would require some processing, right? Either way, it’s not something that can be done right away.” Al replied thoughtfully.

While they were immersed in their conversation, a group of about five or six people emerged in the distance. The front three individuals were donned in armor reinforced with metal, wielding spears, hammers, and maces. Judging by their equipment, it seemed they were adventurers rather than guards. They were accompanied by two carts, similar to the one Al and his companions had.

“Oh, isn’t that Orson? And you’ve brought a youngster along. Hunting giant lizards, huh?” The man at the front, seemingly familiar with Orson, called out casually.

The giant lizard atop Lippy’s cart had been concealed with worn-out cloth, as they intended to enter the town. However, parts of its tail were sticking out, catching the man’s eye.

“Hey, Blair. Yeah, that’s right. It helps me get by even with my injured leg.” Orson replied.

“Heh heh heh, so this is how you scrape by. Covered in mud and looking desperate, huh? Well, good luck with that.” Blair taunted, his voice carrying a hint of mockery.

“Thanks.” Orson responded, keeping his composure.

Blair’s tone carried a mocking undertone, but Orson graciously thanked him and continued on with a smile, passing by them.

Blair’s tone carried a mocking undertone, but Orson graciously thanked him and continued on with a smile, passing by them.

“Hey, who’s that Blair guy? Is it alright to just let him say those things?”

“We used to team up in the past. It’s the truth, so there’s not much I can do about it. Let him say what he wants.”

Al shrugged, and Lippy, wearing a dissatisfied expression with pursed lips, couldn’t help but voice his discontent. However, when Orson affectionately ruffled his hair, Lippy reluctantly nodded in agreement, realizing it was futile to dwell on it further.


They arrived at an area where buildings dedicated to the dissection and butchering of magical creatures were lined up, but to Al’s surprise, there was a distinct lack of the expected foul odor.

“The place I usually go to is a shop owned by a woman named Cody. You see that sign over there? It’s the one with a picture of three crossed knives at the corner,” Orson pointed out.

Sure enough, a sign hanging in the designated spot confirmed Orson’s words. Lippy nodded in recognition, suggesting that he had been to that place before.

“We’re here.”

They parked the wagon near the entrance of the building, and Orson guided Al inside a spacious structure.

The walls were partitioned into several sections, and at the center, there were noticeable hooks suspended from chains. The floor was adorned with smooth, tightly-laid stones, and there was a water drainage channel running through the middle.

“Welcome! Oh, Orson, it’s been a while!” greeted a woman in her late twenties.

She was dressed in black clothing with a white apron, and her long golden hair was elegantly tied up at the back. Standing at approximately 170 cm tall, she was slightly taller than average stature for a woman, yet maintained a graceful and slender appearance.

“Hey, Cody. I’ve brought a giant lizard today. Can you take care of the processing?”

“Of course. Knowing you, I’m sure it’s a clean kill, but I’ll double-check just to be safe.”

“Thanks. So… Blair showed up, huh?” Orson commented.

“Yeah, but the giant lizard carcass he brought in was covered in wounds, as if it had been brutally stabbed or beaten. Our craftsmen are currently working on dismantling it, but in its current condition, we won’t be able to offer a good price. I was wondering what happened, but did you part ways?”

“Yeah, we did after I got injured.”

“I see. I’d noticed a decline in the prey you brought in recently, but it seems it wasn’t just due to your injury, huh? I guess you taught him quite a bit. But he’s quite heartless.” Cody remarked.

“Well, with this leg, I can’t take on jobs like escorting caravans anymore. That’s how things are.”

Orson guided Cody towards the cart parked outside, where he removed the worn-out cloth that covered the giant lizard. As Cody carefully examined the wounds and eyes, she nodded approvingly.

“Very impressive. The wound appears to be a single stab from the side. The skull is intact, so we can salvage it. It seems to have been dead for about three hours. And the size is quite remarkable. Can I buy the whole thing?” Cody inquired.

“No, actually, I plan to use the leather to make armor for this young man. But you can purchase everything else.”

Cody looked at Al as if she had just noticed him, then reached out to assess the muscle around his upper arm.

“Oh, so you’re Orson’s new partner, huh? Not a warrior, I presume. Perhaps a scout? Well, not exactly.”

“I’m a scout, but I also use magic.”

“I see, I see. So you’re looking to make a giant lizard leather armor. What about the armor craftsman, Orson?”

“I was thinking of asking Dennis. Is he available?” Orson asked.

“Oh, Dennis would be perfect for the job. He might be quite busy, but it’s worth asking him. And as for the required size of the leather, you can confirm that with him, right?”

“Before that, could you give me an estimate of the cost?” Al interjected, and the conversation flowed smoothly from there.

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Adventurer Al – His Magic is Strange – Chapter 18

The Adventure of (Self-Proclaimed) Rookie Adventurer Al: Hunting the Giant Lizard – Part 2

Al made his way down the steep slope towards the water’s edge and cast his bait with a swing of his fishing rod, trying to cover as much distance as possible. With his rod, he deftly maneuvered the bait, patiently waiting for the giant lizard to take notice.

The river was relatively narrow, still measuring about 40 meters across, as it was just before the rainy season. On the opposite bank, there was an expansive wetland area teeming with various waterfowl species.

As Al continued moving his fishing rod, he noticed that it wasn’t a giant lizard but a school of piracu fish with razor-sharp teeth that had taken an interest in his bait. These fish ranged from 10 to 20 cm in length and were known to be aggressive predators. It was likely that they had been drawn to the scent of blood.

To prevent the meat from being devoured too quickly, Al quickly moved his rod, but the fish relentlessly pursued it. Despite his efforts, the piracu continued to pursue the bait until suddenly, they vanished without a trace.

As Al surveyed the water’s surface, he soon caught sight of what he thought was a giant lizard’s snout and eyes bobbing on the water. He let out a piercing whistle to signal to Orson while maneuvering his fishing rod to lure the bait away from the creature. To his surprise, the lizard seemed to respond to his movements.

Al continued this tactic, gradually inching his way up the slope as he repeated the process of baiting and evading the creature.

Al’s attention was caught by a sharp whistle that signaled Orson’s readiness. Quickly, he spun his fishing rod and wound the line around it, picking up speed as he ascended the slope. The giant lizard in the water seemed to mimic Al’s movements and soon clambered onto the bank, putting them roughly 10 meters apart. The creature was larger than Orson had expected, measuring around 4 meters in length, and despite Al’s efforts, he was unable to halt its approach.

However, Al knew that he had managed to draw the lizard away long enough and made a dash towards the goblin’s corpse. The giant reptile followed close behind, hopping the slope like a feline at nearly the same speed as Al. But to his relief, the lizard eventually abandoned the chase. It appeared to have caught sight of the goblin’s remains along the way, just as Orson had planned.

The giant lizard crept up to the goblin’s body with caution. Orson, who had already positioned himself between the creature and the river, moved in from behind with his spear. Meanwhile, Al took cover and made his final preparations. As the lizard sank its teeth into the goblin’s remains, Orson raised his left hand, signaling to Al.

With caution, Al stood up, taking careful aim at the reptile.

“Magic Arrows!”

As the giant lizard greedily devoured the meat, it thrashed its head around, causing the three magic arrows aimed at its eyes to miss their target and ricochet off its tough, leathery hide. The creature turned its gaze towards Al with a look of animosity. However, in its focus on Al, it had failed to keep an eye on its surroundings, leaving its back unguarded.

“Stabbing Spear Fighting Technique – Armor Penetration Skill!”

Orson seized the chance presented to him. Though he stumbled and dragged his feet, he managed to creep up behind the lizard and thrust his spear into the soft, vulnerable spot at the base of its leg. Despite the weight behind the thrust, the spear drove deep into the creature’s flesh, eliciting a loud, piercing cry.

“We did it!”

Orson’s voice reverberated as the giant lizard attempted to dislodge him with a powerful swipe of its tail. Despite the creature’s efforts, it appeared to have weakened and lacked the strength to remove Orson from its flank. It continued to thrash and resist for some time, until it eventually succumbed and ceased all movement. Orson crushed the creature’s body underfoot and withdrew his spear, causing blood to gush from the wound.

“Nice job, Orson!”

“Thanks, Al.”

The two men bumped fists and praised each other.

“Your spear attack was amazing. This is my first time seeing a fighting technique!”

Fighting techniques are akin to special moves that employ weapons, utilizing repeated patterns to produce a powerful impact.

“Is that so? You drew its attention, Al. Thanks to you, I was able to deliver the finishing blow.”

Orson didn’t seem dissatisfied either.

“It’s huge…”

Al murmured as he gazed upon the lifeless body of the giant lizard, measuring over 4 meters in length and likely weighing over 400 kilograms. He cautiously ran his fingers over the creature’s skin, examining the rough, tough leather that had deflected his magic arrows.

“Okay, let’s see if we can move it. It looks like it’ll fit in the cart, but it’ll be a tight squeeze.”

Orson attempted to lift the massive lizard’s body to secure a rope around it, but it didn’t even flinch.

“Wait a minute. Can I try a strengthening spell?” Al asked Orson.

“Hmm? Yeah, sure.”

“Physical Boost – Grant strength enhancement”

“Hey, that magic… isn’t that what knights use?”

Al touched Orson’s body and tried to cast the spell, but nothing happened.

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

“Well, I haven’t mastered it yet, so the activation rate is low.”

“Physical Boost—Grant strength enhancement”

“Physical Boost—Grant strength enhancement”

“Physical Boost—Grant strength enhancement”

After chanting several times, Orson’s body was filled with strength.

“How about now?” Al asked.

“Wow, this is amazing, my body feels light!” Orson exclaimed.

As he attempted to lift the lizard’s dead body, he noticed that the massive body, which had been immovable earlier, now seemed like it could be lifted.

“It might work,” said Orson.

“Physical Boost—Strength Enhancement.”

“Physical Boost—Strength Enhancement.”

Al also cast the same spell on himself. This time, it seemed to work on the second attempt.

“Okay, let’s start by putting the rope on.”

“Yeah, we should be able to carry it to the cart. If we can get it to the dismantler, it’ll fetch a lot of money,” replied Orson.

“Don’t forget to give a good tip to Lippy”

Al and Orson smiled happily and shook hands tightly.

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Adventurer Al – His Magic is Strange – Chapter 17

The Adventure of (Self-Proclaimed) Rookie Adventurer Al: Hunting the Giant Lizard – Part 1

Flowing on the southern side of Lester is the Holden River, a great body of water that stretches far and wide. During the rainy season, the river swells to an impressive 100 meters in width. Originating from the southwest, which is the territory of the barbarians, the Holden River follows a straight path towards Lester. However, upon reaching the city’s hilly terrain, the river is forced to change its course by nearly 90 degrees, eventually meandering into the southeastern sea.

The river’s surroundings are characterized by a dense growth of short trees and grass, providing ample hiding spots for both barbarians and magical beasts. Adding to the dangers are the treacherous bottomless swamps formed by soft mud, making the area perilous for inexperienced travelers. A variety of creatures, including goblins and humidity-loving lizardmen, call this place home. However, it’s the magical beasts known as the giant lizards that strike the most fear in the hearts of adventurers who venture into this region.

With a body length of approximately 5 meters, the giant lizard is an impressive sight to behold. It boasts a massive mouth, horizontally-placed eyes on both sides, six short legs, and a long tail. Essentially, it looks like a crocodile that has grown to enormous proportions with two extra legs. One of its most distinctive features is its large mouth, which occupies nearly a fifth of its body length.

One day in July, Al and Orson strolled along a road that led southeast from the city, trailed by a cart drawn by a donkey. On the cart, a jovial 12 or 13-year-old boy named Lippy rode along, expertly holding the reins. Lippy, a porter whom Orson frequently employed, had curly red hair and a pair of round, sparkling eyes that exuded cheerfulness.

The cart was laden with a bundle of poles, each with handles, and a lifeless goblin. A few of the poles had strings attached to their ends. Their path was a narrow one, capable of accommodating only a single cart, and meandered around the hills, which they had to circumvent. After several instances of being bogged down in the mud, they eventually arrived at a vantage point where the river was visible in the distance.

At one point, Orson came to a sudden halt and raised his hand, signaling for the others to stop as well. Lippy heeded the cue, brought the cart to a stop, and hastily climbed out of the driver’s seat. Shielding his eyes with his hand, he gazed out over the river, eager to take in the view.

“Have you found it yet?”

“No. But for now, let’s search around here first. You wait here, and if any goblins show up, sound the whistle to let us know.”

Their mission for the day was to hunt down a dangerous giant lizard. However, any specimen weighing over a ton would be too large to transport by cart. Their aim was to capture a smaller one, roughly 3 meters in size. Despite its size, the leather from a giant lizard could still fetch a handsome price, as could other parts such as meat, skulls, and teeth. If the condition of the carcass was favorable, they could get up to three gold coins for it.

Orson, drawing on years of experience, knew that the lizards would be more plentiful around this time of year, just as the rainy season was around the corner.

“If we manage to catch it, don’t forget to throw me a tip!”

In response to Lippy’s query, Orson retrieved a long pole from the cart and gave the boy a reassuring thumbs-up gesture.

“Orson, what’s this for?” Al asked.

“Hmm? You mean this? We use it to lure them out.”

Orson deftly sliced a chunk of meat from the goblin’s lifeless body with a knife. He then tied it to the end of a string connected to a buoyant piece of wood on a pole, which he handed over to Al. Meanwhile, he secured a rope to the remaining goblin’s corpse and lowered it down from the cart’s bed.

“You take the rod and attach a piece of meat to the end of it using some wood. Then, you throw the bait into the river where the giant lizard is most likely to be. These creatures have acute senses and can detect the scent of blood in the water, so they’ll eventually swim towards the bait to investigate. When you see them approaching, slowly raise the rod and start pulling the meat towards you. Just be careful because they can also leap out of the water, so watch out and don’t become their next meal”

“Okay, but what if the bait gets eaten?”

Al inquired, linking together the poles he had received and giving them a few experimental swings to assess their weight.

“In that case, it’s a failed attempt,” Orson came the response. “If the lizard takes the bait, it will attempt to drag you into the water, so you must let go of the pole right away. Trying to resist would be futile. Falling into the river would be akin to a death sentence.”

Al was surprised at Orson’s explanation, but when he saw his serious expression, he nodded earnestly. Seeing this, Orson continued to explain.

“Let’s place the remaining goblin carcass about 20 meters upstream from the river. You’ll use the meat on the end of the pole to entice the lizard and guide it towards that spot. While you’re doing that, I’ll stand guard to keep you safe and position myself between the lizard and the river to prevent its escape. Once the lizard starts devouring the carcass, I’ll take it out. When we get to that stage, I’ll need your magic assistance.”

Al nodded. He must have brought several poles in case of failure.

“Wait, aren’t these lizards magical beasts? Won’t they attack when they see me?”

“That’s true, magical beasts do view humans as enemies. However, as long as the creature has food within its reach, it won’t come after us. But once it’s had its fill, things can take a turn for the worse. Giant lizards are speedy swimmers and can move on land as fast as we can jog. Also, don’t lower your guard as they appear to possess rearward vision. And, of course, you never want to be in front of one, or you risk getting bitten.” Orson warned.


“Can I watch from nearby?” inquired Lippy, standing off to the side. Orson cast a contemplative glance his way before shaking his head resolutely.

“If you come along to watch, who will tend to the cart? The last thing we want is to return and find our precious donkey devoured by goblins.”

“Don’t worry, Rosante is intelligent, and it’ll alert me if something seems off. Please, let me watch from afar. I aspire to be like Al and become an adventurer who makes a lot of money. Until then, I want to witness as much as I can!”

Rosante seems to be the name of the donkey.

Orson crossed his arms and thought for a moment but then shook his head again.

“No, that’s not feasible. Al isn’t seasoned enough for this hunt. It’s too dangerous. Today, just stick close to the cart and keep a watchful eye from a distance. I’ll reconsider if another chance arises.”

Lippy begged repeatedly, but Orson remained resolute, shaking his head with each plea. In the end, Lippy reluctantly gave up.

“Look forward to the tip.” Al remarked, patting Lippy’s shoulder before hurrying towards the river, brandishing a pole.

Orson trailed close behind him, clutching a bundle of prepped poles in one hand and dragging the goblin’s lifeless body with the other while scanning the terrain beneath his feet. Meanwhile, Lippy watched their retreating figures, heaving a sigh as he resigned himself to the situation.

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